UFM100.3 广播歌王 – 条款与条件

条款与条件 Terms & Conditions条款与条件 Terms & Conditions



1.Participation in the Contest held by SPH Media Ltd (“SPH Media”) is subject to these Terms and Conditions. All details on how to participate in the Contest and any requirements for the submission of entries and/or voting, and any further information in relation to the Contest, shall form part of these Terms and Conditions.

2.The campaign is open to all members of the public residing in Singapore.

Contest Period

3.The Contest Period commences on 27 June 2022 and ends on 25 September 2022, both dates inclusive (the"Contest Period")

4.The Contest consists of the following phases:

  Phase Period
(A) Teaser 27 / 6 to 10 / 7
(B) Registration 11 / 7 to 31 / 7 
(C) Deliberation 1 / 8 to 7/ 8
(D) Pre-Voting 8 / 8 to  14 / 8
(E) Recruitment 15 / 8 to 21 / 8 
(F) Pre-popularity 22 /  8 to 28 /8
(G) Popularity 29 / 8 to 11 / 9
(H) Finale 12 / 9 to 15 / 9 
(I) Finale Event  15 / 9
(J) Post capsule 16 /9 to 25 / 9 


5.Subject to these Terms and Conditions, there are 2 main ways in which a member of the public may participate in the Contest:

(a) Compete as a contestant in the singing competition (the “Singing Competition”); and/or the on air recruitment (the “Recruitment”)

(b) Vote for his/her favourite Entry(ies) (as defined below) during the Popularity Period (the “Popularity”)


6.For the purpose of these Terms and Conditions:

(a) all persons who participate in the Contest (whether as per Clause 4(a), Clause 4(b) or otherwise) shall be collectively referred to as the “Participants”;

(b) Participants who participate as per Clause 4(a) shall be referred to as the “Singing Participants”; and

(c) Participants who participate as per Clause 4(b) shall be referred to as the “Voting Participants”.



(A) Registration Period

7.To compete as a Singing Participant, he/she must do the following during the Registration Period:

-Submit an audio entry via a Registration form provided by UFM100.3

8.Singing Participants may only select mandarin songs in the last 30 years (1992 to 2022)

9.Subject to these Terms and Conditions, each Singing Participant may submit more than one Entry, in accordance with the instructions set out in Clause 6 herein. Incomplete entries will be immediately disqualified.

10.Entries must not contain any prohibited or inappropriate content including, without limitation, any obscene or pornographic material, any defamatory statements about any person, company, organization or entity, any content that is obscene, indecent, harassing or threatening or otherwise offensive or objectionable, or any content that violates any applicable laws or regulations or the intellectual property rights or other rights of third parties. SPH Media reserves the right to disqualify at any time any Entry which it deems in its sole and absolute discretion to not comply with the specifications, requirements or terms and conditions herein.

11.Without prejudice to the generality of Clause 9, where SPH Media determines (in its sole and absolute discretion) any Entry to not be an original, or if the Entry is determined to be inappropriate, offensive, abusive, illegible, incomplete, damaged, irregular, altered, counterfeit, produced in error or obtained through fraud or theft, such Entry shall be disqualified or removed without prior notice.

(B) Deliberation Period

12.During this period,10 entries will be shortlisted (“Shortlisted Entries”).

(C) Recruitment Period

13.During this period, up to 6 contestants will be recruited from the on-air programme.

14.Contestants have to call or send in their audio clipping via Whatsapp.  

15.These contestants will be selected based on listeners’ response during the period.  

(D) Popularity Period 

16.Voting participants can cast their votes on the UFM100.3 website or Awedio App. Each Voting Participant may vote once per day. 

17.10 Singing Participants with the highest votes will emerge to the finale as finalists (“Finalists”).

18.During this period, each Voting Participant is entitled to cast a maximum of one vote daily.

19.The votes will form 40% of the final results during the finale.

(E) Finale

20.The Finalists will be announced on UFM100.3 radio broadcast and/or its website on 12 September 2022 (or such other date as SPH Media may determine in its sole and absolute discretion).

(F) Finale Event

21.Finale Event will happen on 15 September 2022.

22.The Finalists will perform “live” and one of the Finalists will be crowned the Contest winner (the Radio Singer 2022).

23.To determine the Contest winner,60 % of the score will be determined by the judging panel and 40% of the score will be determined by the voting results from the Popularity Period. 

24.Guess who is Radio Singer 2022 by submitting their guesses online on 15 September 2022 8pm to 9pm and stand to win prizes. Only the most recent entry will be taken into consideration. 

25.Prizes for the grand winner and the Finalists are shown at point 36.

Other Events

(A) Social Media

26.During the Contest Period, members of the public who engage in UFM100.3’s social media platforms posts relating to the Contest will stand a chance to win prizes, subject to these Terms and Conditions.

27.Prizes and further details on how prizes can be won will be announced at point 36.


28.For both the First Voting Period and the Second Voting Period, voting will be available on UFM 100.3’s website https://www.ufm1003.sg/.

29.To vote, Voting Participants must submit their personal particulars and voting entry(ies) in accordance with these Terms and Conditions (including any other instructions at the time of voting).

Representations, Warranties and Undertakings

30.By participating in the Contest (or any part thereof), each Participant represents and warrants that:

(a) he/she is at least 18 years old and has the necessary legal capacity, right, power and authority to agree to these Terms and Conditions and that he/she is (i) contracting in his/her own personal capacity; or (ii) contracting as a parent / guardian of a child / ward who is less than 18 years old in which event he/she agrees in both his/her personal capacity and on behalf of his/her child / ward, to be bound by these Terms and Conditions, to be liable for his/her child’s / ward’s acts and omissions and to ensure that his/her child / ward complies with these Terms and Conditions;

(b) all information submitted by him/her (including without limitation information submitted at the time of voting) is accurate and complete; and

(c) (in respect of the Singing Participants) he/she owns all intellectual property rights to his/her Entry(ies) and the Entry(ies) (and use thereof in accordance with these Terms and Conditions) does not violate or infringe any applicable law or any intellectual property rights, moral rights, rights of privacy / publicity or any other rights of any third party, and that no other party has any right, title, claim, or interest in the Entry(ies). 

31.By participating in the Contest (or any part thereof), each Singing Participant agrees to grant SPH Media a worldwide, irrevocable, exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual and transferable licence to make, use and/or broadcast his/her Entry and/or any recording (whether audio, video or otherwise) of his/her performance (including any edited version thereof) (the “Recordings”) in any media now or hereafter known for any purpose (including without limitation in relation to the Contest and the promotion thereof) (the “Licence”). For the avoidance of doubt, the Licence shall include, without limitation, the absolute right to edit and/or alter any entry or recording, distribute and/or synchronize all or any portion of any entry or recording with any other audio or video, edit, mix, combine, merge, distort, superimpose, create or add special effects, illusions and/or other material to or of all or any portion of any entry or recording.

32.SPH Media reserves the right to use (or not use) any Entries and/or Recordings at all and/or as little of any of them as it so chooses in its sole and absolute discretion.

33.The Participants fully indemnify and hold harmless the SPH Group from and against any and all demands, claims, actions, losses, damages, fines, penalties, costs (including legal costs on a full indemnity basis) and expenses incurred or suffered by any of the SPH Group Entities arising out of or in connection with any breach of these Terms and Conditions.

Eligibility criteria

34.Subject to these Terms and Conditions (including without limitation Clause 33), the Contest is open to members of the public in Singapore.

35.The following persons are not eligible to participate in the Contest (whether the Singing Competition, Voting, chance to win prizes or otherwise):

(a) Employees of SPH Media or its related corporations (SPH Media and its related corporations shall be collectively referred to as the "SPH Group" and each a “SPH Group Entity”);

(b) Employees of partners or sponsors of any SPH Group Entity for any of the prizes for the Contest, and 

(c) Immediate family members (namely spouse, children, parents, brothers and sisters) of any of the employees listed in (a) or (b) above.

Prizes and Collection

36.Prize Details

Winner Prize Value Total Prize Value Prize Description
Social Media Giveaway 25 $100.00 $2,500.00 Vouchers
Shortlisted participants 10 $200.00 $2,000.00 Vouchers
On Air Competitors 6 $200.00 $1,200.00 Vouchers
On Air Voting 10 $100.00 $1,000.00 Vouchers
#2 to #10 9 $500.00 $4,500.00 Vouchers
Champion 1 $800.00 $800.00 Cash
Total Prize Value $12,000.00


37.Winners will be contacted via Email or whatsapp. 

38.Prizes are not transferable or exchangeable and non-cash prizes are not exchangeable for cash. SPH Media accepts no responsibility for any tax or other liability that may arise from the prize winnings.

39.Prizes are subject to availability. Subject to applicable law, SPH Media reserves the right, at any time in its sole and absolute discretion, to substitute, withdraw, add to or alter any of the prizes offered without notice

40.SPH Media reserves the right to revoke any winner’s entitlement to any prize if the winner does not meet any or all eligibility requirements or has breached any of these Terms and Conditions, notwithstanding that an announcement or notification may have been made indicating that person as the winner.

41.Unless otherwise notified, winners have to collect their prizes in person at 1000 Toa Payoh North, News Centre, Singapore 318944, by presenting a valid SMS notification and verifying their mobile number at the time of collection. Each winner shall also be required to sign an acknowledgement form as a condition to his/her receipt of his/her prize.

42.If any winner fails, for any reason whatsoever, to collect his/her prize within 1 month of the date of the SMS notification (or if another date is specified by SPH Media, then that specified date), the winner is deemed to have forfeited the prize and no further correspondence will be entertained under any circumstances.

43.All prizes are subject to their respective terms of use (if any). If applicable, all warranty claims in regards to a prize should be directed to the applicable manufacturer. Except to the extent that they may not be excluded by law, no representations, warranties, terms or conditions that are not expressly stated in these Terms and Conditions apply to the Contest or the prizes and all implied warranties are excluded, including but not limited to, the implied warranties of satisfactory quality, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose of any of the prizes.

Exclusion of liability

44.SPH Media shall not accept any responsibility or be in any way liable for any of the entries (whether the Entries or Voting entries) including without limitation, any failure of delivery of any materials or for any entries lost, delayed, corrupted, damaged, misdirected, damaged, incomplete or undelivered due to any reason whatsoever.  Further, SPH Media shall not be liable for any technical, hardware or software failure or incompatibility of any kind that may any way affect any received entry.  SPH Media shall not be responsible or liable for the loss of opportunity to participate due to entries not received or for any reasons.

45.Each Participant shall bear his/her own costs and expenses incurred in relation to or arising from his/her participation in the Contest (or any part thereof).  SPH Media shall not be liable for any such costs whatsoever and no reimbursement may be sought from SPH Media.

46.SPH Media shall not be liable for any loss (including, without limitation, indirect, special, incidental, consequential or punitive loss), damage, personal injury or death howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly out of or in connection with the Contest, these Terms and Conditions (or any of the matters contemplated herein) or any prize, whether for breach of contract, tort or other cause of action, save for any liability that cannot be excluded by law (in which case that liability is limited to the minimum allowable by law).

Personal Data

47.By participating in the Contest (or any part thereof), each Participant agrees that:

(a) any and all personal data submitted for the purposes of the Contest (or any part thereof) may be collected by, used by and/or disclosed to the SPH Group for various purposes, including to communicate with the Participant for the purposes related to the Contest, to provide goods and services to the Participants upon request, and such other purposes the SPH Group may reasonably deem appropriate, or for such purposes that the Participant may have otherwise given his/her consent to the SPH  Group;

(b) the SPH Group, its authorised service providers and its advertising and promotion agencies may collect, use and/or disclose the pParticipant’s personal data for purposes indicated in the SPH Privacy Policy, a copy of which is located at http://sph.com.sg/legal/sph_privacy.html, and for purposes which include the sending of marketing information on products, services, promotions and/or events offered by the SPH Group and/or third parties;

(c) the SPH Group may collect, use, disclose and share amongst themselves and their respective service providers, the Participant’s personal data, including any photographs or videos (“Material”) for publicity and/or use in advertisements across all media, including, without limitation, in the SPH Group’s publications, presentations, promotional materials on their websites, in its original and edited format, and whether to promote the Contest or otherwise without further notification, remuneration or compensation; and

(d) the copyright and all other intellectual property rights in and to all Material shall vest solely and absolutely in the SPH Group without further compensation. 

48.Each Participant agrees to accept and abide by any and all decisions made by SPH Media concerning, without limitation, the Contest, these Terms & Conditions, the rules, procedures and regulations of the Contest, the award of the prizes and any other matters relating to the Contest.  The decisions of SPH Media on all matters relating to the Contest are final, conclusive and binding and no correspondence will be entered into or entertained regarding SPH Media’s decisions on the same.

49.Participation in the Contest (or any part thereof) is deemed acceptance of these Terms and Conditions and any amendments, additions, replacements, variations and modifications hereto, which shall be final and binding in all respects on each Participant. Amendments to these Terms and Conditions will be posted to https://www.ufm1003.sg/whats-on/radiosinger2022-tnc/.

50.By participating in the Contest (or any part thereof), Participants agree to be bound by and to comply with these Terms and Conditions. Non-compliance with or breach of any of these Terms and Conditions may disqualify a Participant at any stage of the Contest, and any prizes won may be forfeited, withheld, withdrawn or reclaimed.

51.If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is held by any competent court or authority to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part, the legality, validity and enforceability of all other provisions (and, if applicable, the remainder of the provision in question) shall not be affected.

52.These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of Singapore and parties agree to be bound by the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Singapore.
